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CSS Units Best Practices

CSS has several different units for expressing length. Among them. There are those that fit better between different rendering media and others are good for a specific case. in this article, we are going to list CSS units and give some best practices.

CSS Units

There are two types of length units: absolute and relative.

Absolute Units

The absolute length units are fixed and a length expressed in any of these will appear as exactly that size.

Unit Name Equivalent to
cm Centimeters 1cm = 38px = 25/64in
mm Millimeters 1mm = 1/10th of 1cm
Q Quarter-millimeters 1Q = 1/40th of 1cm
in Inches 1in = 2.54cm = 96px
pc Picas 1pc = 1/6th of 1in
pt Points 1pt = 1/72th of 1in
px Pixels 1px = 1/96th of 1in

Relative Units

Relative length units specify a length relative to another length property. Relative length units scale better between different rendering medium.

Unit Relative to Base on
em Font size of the parent, in the case of typographical properties like font-size, and font size of the element itself, in the case of other properties like width. Font
ex x-height of the element's font. Font
ch The advance measure (width) of the glyph "0" of the element's font. Font
rem Font size of the root element. Font
vw 1% of the viewport's width. Viewport
vh 1% of the viewport's height. Viewport
vmin 1% of the viewport's smaller dimension. Viewport
vmax 1% of the viewport's larger dimension. Viewport
% Relative to the parent element. Viewport

Best Practices

After going through the CSS units, we'll see which unit is right for a given situation, especially today where developers need to build a website for multiple devices at the same time (Responsive Web Design / Development).

Absolute Units vs Relative Units

As a responsive web designer, always choose relative units rather than absolute ones, unless you want a fixed length for all devices or you are developing for a specific device.


Use pixel when the length of the html element or the length of the css property does not need to be scaled according to the size of the devices. A practical example is the CSS border property.

.element {
  border: 1px solid #000;


Percentages are mainly used for widths specially in multi column layout widths. They make it very easy to calculate the percentage of a parent object's space that a child element should occupy. This is illustrated below.

<div class="wrapper">
    <div class="box small">I am 20% wide</div>
    <div class="box big">I am 80% wide</div>
.wrapper {
    width: 400px;
    border: 5px solid rebeccapurple;

.small {
    width: 30%;

.big {
    width: 80%;

Percentages illustration

When using percentages for widths, you need to pay attention to the padding, margin, and width of the border, otherwise your element will overflow from the parent element.
You can set box-sizing to border-box to include the border padding and width in the element width. This will take care of the padding and border width, not the margin.


Typically don't use em units for font sizes, except for the lowest possible child elements, to minimize its cascading impact on relative units. Use em units for sizing (line margin, padding, width, height, and height) which should scale based on the font size of an element other than the root.


Unless you are doing something specific, rem css unit is your best friend. In short, anything that can be made scalable with rem units should be.


There is no Cartesian rule for using CSS units when designing a website. Just use the CSS units and CSS layout to make your content fluid and sized the way you want it to be for different devices. And for this, relative units are more suitable, but if you want a fixed size for different screen sizes, using pixel CSS is handy.